What is SHARES?
Students Helping Aid Refugees through Education and Service (SHARES) is an education and service program hosted by MSC FLI to benefit refugee children and families in the Greater Houston Area. The program includes a collection drive and a day of service.
How Can I Help?
You can help out in two ways:
1. Donate emergency hygiene and household supplies. These supplies will be directly given to Survivors of Torture, Asylee, Refugee Support (STAR Support)
2. Support the STAR Support Winter Go Fund Me (Coming Soon)
Collection drive continues through February 29, 2023!
Thank you for your support!
Collection Drive: List of needed items
Hygiene supplies- full sizes only
- Shampoo
- Body wash
- Deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Baby soap
- Diapers (all sizes)
- Wipes
- Pads (no tampons!)
- Mouth wash
- Socks
- Belts
- Wallets
- Gently used clothing items
- Shoes
*Most Needed Items
Collection Box Locations
Currently Available
- Student Programs Office, second floor MSC
Coming Soon
- Rec Center lobby, West campus
- Zachry Engineering Center
- Evans Library
- Hullabaloo
Hear Us Out
“Shares was a great experience! Through SHARES, we are able to help this community of refugee kids to have a safe, fun, and normal school experience. Seeing how we are able to help the school community is amazing and very impactful”
“SHARES is significant because it reaches those who feel inaccessible and are usually neglected in our modern society. It not only paves the road for new contacts, but also enlightens us about the realities faced by others in other nations and our own. It exposes my eyes to the depth of my privilege, and I appreciate the opportunity it affords me to put my resources into something positive that will aid others”
“Shares is my favorite program! I love being able to see the direct impact our service has on our community. Serving at the Las Americas Newcomer school creates memories that are life long!”